Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I have come to what some might consider a radical decision! As you may know, I have so many blogs right now that it's sometimes hard to keep track of what's going on and where. So, I am bringing all my current blogs to a halt. I'm not deleting them. But, I am folding them as of today. In their place, I have set up a new blog titled Nick Redfern's Fortean World. Yeah, I know: it's hardly the most original or imaginative title, but it is accurate and to the point! So, from now on, while all my existing blogs will remain archived, here's the address for the new blog, Nick Redfern's Fortean World. As you'll see, the design and style has not been completed yet, and there's no content yet either. But, bear with me, and over the next few days you'll see it start to develop its life and character!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crowley, The Hill Abduction, Final Events

As readers of my Final Events book will know, two of the key issues that were of prime interest to the Collins Elite were the work and activities of Aleister Crowley, and the famous 1961 "alien abduction" experience of Betty and Barney Hill.

Now, in a brand new post at his Secret Sun blog, Chris Knowles digs deep into both matters and finds an incredible, eye-opening connection between the two...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Strange Sounds and Final Events

On last night's Coast to Coast AM, Linda Howe discussed the many and varied weird sounds that have been recorded in various parts of the world over the course of the last year or so (you can find out more about it at this Coast to Coast AM link).

But, what I found particularly interesting was the following from the show-summary:

"Linda raised an interesting hypothesis-- what if some of the strange sounds heard around the world...were part of an American government test of what some have called 'voice of God' weapons? Around the time of 9-11, there were rumors that the Defense Dept. wanted to try sending directed sound waves into the minds of Middle East terrorists, she noted."

This is intriguing, since it ties in closely with the data contained in my Final Events book about officialdom having secretly addressed the idea of using advanced technologies to stage a religious event to deceive and manipulate the public.

Are we seeing evidence of some build-up to what may be the ultimate ruse: a faked event, possibly one employing the use of sophisticated holograms, of biblical proportions?

Keep watching the skies...but don't necessarily believe all that you might see...or hear...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Final Events: A Lecture At You Tube

Just over a year or so ago, I gave a lecture on my Final Events book to the Dallas, Texas-based E.P.I.C. Voyagers group run by Ken Cherry (E.P.I.C. standing for Extraordinary Phenomena Investigations Council).

The event was filmed and has just now been loaded (and I do mean just now, like yesterday!) to You Tube, and here's the gig, split into four sections:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Secret Consultation and the Soul

In the summer of 2007, after digging further into data that Ray Boeche had given me several months earlier that led me on the trail of the Collins Elite (whose activities I detailed in my Final Events book), I had the opportunity to conduct a face-to-face interview with a now-retired university professor in the field of Theology.

"Two government people" had secretly consulted him on some of the central themes of Final Events in September 1972. The initial consultation occurred at the professor’s place of work, and the reasoning behind the consultation was simple, but disturbing, too.

The two men identified themselves as employees of the Department of Defense, said they were "very knowing" of his work, and represented a group who believed that the many tales of extraterrestrial visitations that had surfaced since the 1940s were actually evidence of the presence of satanic forces engaging in worldwide deceit, and who had two, key goals in mind.

Those goals were to (A) encourage and entice the Human Race to follow their dark ways, and (B) to ensnare the souls of one and all for reasons that not even the Bible touched upon, but that were apparently related to the "ingestion" of the human life-force in some not-exactly-understood fashion.

Having been "slightly more than gently nudged not to speak on this" with colleagues, the media, friends, and family, the professor was asked if he would be willing to prepare a detailed report for the group on his knowledge of, and extensive research into, three specific issues: the nature of the human-soul, the concept and agenda of demons, and the role played by fallen-angels with respect to deception as described in the Bible.

He agreed and was given a telephone number where he could always reach the pair. Six weeks later or so, his report completed, the professor placed his call, and the two men duly came back again.

They thanked him for his time, and having handed over his paper, which ran to around 130 pages, he received a "very nice" payment for his efforts, courtesy of Uncle Sam. Given the clandestine nature of the experience, the professor somewhat wryly titled the document "To Whom It May Concern."

Before the two men left, they asked him if he would be willing to speak on the subject of his paper for the group. Nothing ultimately ever came of this offer, however, even though the professor was both quite agreeable and open to the idea of presenting a lecture on the nature of his report.

Intriguingly, of the thirteen members of the Collins Elite with whom I was able to speak, all denied any knowledge of this affair, which raises an interesting possibility: there may perhaps be more than one group in government secretly studying the "Demonic UFO" theory...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

From Mormonism to UFOs

My latest post at Mysterious Universe: From Mormonism to UFOs...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Roswell, Jack Parsons, Golem & Demons

Beyond any shadow of doubt at all, the strangest belief of the Collins Elite was that relative to the Roswell affair of July 1947. In what is certainly a unique fashion, they came to believe that nothing - extraterrestrial or otherwise - crashed at Roswell.

Rather, the group concluded that the event was "staged" - a "Trojan Horse"-type event provoked by demons trying to deceive us into accepting the idea that vulnerable ETs had crashed at Roswell, and were responsible for the wave of Flying Saucer encounters that gripped the nation in the summer of 1947.

For the Collins Elite, the "alien debris" and "memory metal" said to have been recovered at the crash site on the Foster Ranch, New Mexico (which is shown above, in a photo I took in February 2011), were nothing less than the result of diabolical "demonic alchemy."

In other words, the group formed an opinion that these strange entities "weaved" the materials, then had them manifest on the Foster Ranch, thus creating the image of a crash of something exotic from the skies.

But, what of the bodies said to have been found at the site? Well, the Collins Elite had an answer to that issue too.

Their members claimed to have read reports suggesting that no literal bodies were ever found at Roswell - at all. Rather, they maintained that certain "biological materials" were recovered.

Is it possible that some equally strange form of diabolical alchemy was at work to create not just the so-called memory-metal that a number of players in the Roswell saga described seeing, but also to generate a type of extraterrestrial Jackalope, a creature that looks real and that exhibits prime evidence of DNA, flesh, bone, and skin, but that is, in reality, nothing more than a brilliant piece of fakery?

Possible or not, this is most certainly what the Collins Elite came to accept as gospel.

But, what's interesting about all this - regardless of the fact that it's certainly the most controversial theory ever offered for what happened on the Foster Ranch - is that this issue of manufactured life-forms has a connection to Jack Parsons, who the Collins Elite concluded played a leading role in ushering in the 1947 Flying Saucer wave.

We start with a very well-known and renowned figure within the history of rocketry, one who was well-acquainted with the rocket-pioneer (and Roswell-based) Robert Goddard, one who was a work-colleague of, and even almost a father-figure to, Jack Parsons, and one who maintained that a distant relative of his had succeeded in giving some form of rudimentary life to previously inanimate matter.

Theodore von Kármán was a Hungarian-American engineer and physicist active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics, and responsible for numerous important advances in aerodynamics, notably his work on the characterization of supersonic and hypersonic airflow. Concerned about the rise in fascism and Nazism in Europe, von Kármán accepted in 1930 the directorship of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, emigrated to live in the United States and in 1936 founded Aerojet with Frank Malina and Jack Parsons.

Nazi developments in rocketry during the Second World War encouraged the U.S. military to look into the potential use of rockets in warfare, a matter in which von Kármán played a significant role. For example, during the early part of 1943, the Experimental Engineering Division of the United States Army Air Forces Materiel Command worked closely with von Kármán on the status of Germany’s rocket program.

In 1946, after the hostilities were over and Hitler and his cronies were firmly defeated, von Kármán became the first chairman of the Scientific Advisory Group, which studied aeronautical technologies for the United States Army Air Forces. He also helped found AGARD, the NATO aerodynamics research oversight group, the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, the International Academy of Astronautics, and the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Brussels.

At the age of 81, von Kármán received the first National Medal of Science, bestowed in a White House ceremony by President John F. Kennedy. He was recognized specifically for "…his leadership in the science and engineering basic to aeronautics; for his effective teaching and related contributions in many fields of mechanics, for his distinguished counsel to the Armed Services, and for his promoting international cooperation in science and engineering."

Von Kármán passed away on a trip to Aachen in 1963, and is buried in Pasadena, California.

Perhaps most startling of all, von Kármán claimed until his dying day that an ancestor of his, one Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel of Prague, had succeeded in creating a Golem, an artificial human being endowed with life, according to Hebrew folklore.

A Golem, essentially, is an animated being created entirely out of inanimate matter; in the pages of the Bible, the word is used to refer to an embryonic or incomplete figure. The earliest stories of Golems date to ancient Judaism. For example, Adam is described in the Talmud as initially being created as a Golem when his dust was "kneaded into a shapeless hunk." Like Adam, all Golems are said to be modeled out of clay.

In many tales the Golem is inscribed with magic, or religious, words that ensure it remains animated. Writing one of the names of God on its forehead, placing a slip of paper in its mouth, or inscribing certain terms on its body, are all ways and means to instill and continue the life of a Golem.

Another way of activating the creature is by writing a specific incantation using the owner's blood on calfskin parchment, and then placing it inside the Golem's mouth. Conversely, removing the parchment is said to deactivate the creation.

As for the tale of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, it must be noted that many scholars who have studied the Golem controversy are convinced that the story of the 16th century Chief Rabbi of Prague is merely an entertaining piece of Jewish folklore. Nevertheless, it is worthy of examination.

According to the legend, under Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor who ruled from 1576 to 1612, the Jews in Prague were to be expelled from the city or outright slaughtered. In an effort to try and afford the Jewish community some protection, the rabbi constructed the Golem out of clay taken from the banks of the Vltava River and subsequently succeeded in bringing it to life via archaic rituals and ancient Hebrew incantations. As the Golem grew, it became increasingly violent, killing gentiles and spreading fear and dread all across the land.

The Emperor supposedly begged Rabbi Loew to destroy the Golem, promising in return to stop the persecution of the Jews. The rabbi agreed and quickly deactivated his creation by rubbing out the first letter of the word "emet" ("truth" or "reality") from the creature’s forehead and leaving the Hebrew word "met," meaning death.

The Emperor understood, however, that the Golem’s body, stored in the attic of the Old New Synagogue in Prague, could be quickly restored to life again if it was ever needed. Accordingly, legend says, the body of Rabbi Loew's Golem still lies in the synagogue's attic to this very day, awaiting the time when it will once again be summoned to continue the work of its long-dead creator.

Regardless of whether or not the tale of the Golem is true, the mere fact that Jack Parsons was a very close friend and colleague of Von Kármán, that Von Kármán told a story of how inanimate matter might become animate, and that he had met with the Roswell-based Robert Goddard, convinced the Collins Elite they were on the right track when it came to the matter of "biological materials" found by rancher Mack Brazel.

Moving onto Jack Parsons himself, there are rumors that, on the day he died in a fiery explosion at his Pasadena, California home, Parsons attempted to create nothing less than artificial life. Filmmaker Renate Druks said in Nat Freedland’s The Occult Explosion:

"I have every reason to believe that Jack Parsons was working on some very strange experiments, trying to create what the old alchemists call a homunculus, a tiny artificial man with magic powers [italics Nick's]. I think that’s what he was working on when the accident happened."

Ancient alchemists had several methods of bringing these diminutive humanoids to life; one involved the mandrake. Popular, centuries-old belief holds that the mandrake plant grew on ground where semen ejaculated by hanged men had fallen to earth, and, as a result, its roots vaguely resemble those of a human being.

To ensure a successful creation of the homunculus, the root is to be picked before dawn on a Friday morning by a black dog, then washed and nourished with milk and honey and, in some prescriptions, blood, whereupon it develops into a miniature human that will guard and protect its owner.

Another method, cited by Dr. David Christianus at the University of Giessen during the 18th century, was to take an egg laid by a black hen, poke a tiny hole through its shell, replace a bean-sized portion of the egg white with human semen, seal the opening with virgin parchment, and bury the egg in dung on the first day of the March lunar cycle.

The ancient teachings suggested that a miniature humanoid would emerge from the egg after thirty days and, in return, help and protect its creator for a steady diet of lavender seeds and earthworms.

How curious that both Parsons and von Karman, in roundabout ways, had links to stories of manufactured life-forms – and in Parsons’ case, even to a "tiny artificial man with magic powers."

That is precisely what the Collins Elite concluded about the biological material found at Roswell: that it was of supernatural origin, not extraterrestrial origin.


Theodore von Karman,

Theodore von Karman,

The Golem, Alden Oreck, Jewish Virtual Library,

The Golem of Prague, Gershon Winkler, Judaica Press, 1980

Golem: Jewish Magical and Mystical Traditions on the Artificial Anthropoid, Mosche Idel, State University of New York Press, 1990

The Occult Explosion, Nat Freedland, Berkeley Books, 1972

The Lore of the Homunculus, S. Maconius, Red Lion Publications, 1980

In Search of Frankenstein, Radu Florescu, New York Graphic Society, 1975

Saturday, February 4, 2012

UFOs & Ouija

George Hunt Williamson, also known as Michael d’Obrenovic and as Brother Philip, became fascinated by the occult world as a teenager, and ultimately became a leading, albeit relatively brief, figure in the Contactee movement that was so dominating in the early-to-mid 1950s era of Ufology.

He also became a target of deep interest on the part of the secret Collins Elite group, as detailed in my Final Events book.

In 1951, Williamson was summarily ejected from the University of Arizona on the grounds of poor scholarship. But having been deeply moved by William Dudley Pelley's 1950 book Star Guests, he went on to assist in the production of the organization’s monthly journal, Valor.

At the time, Pelley had been recently released from prison after serving eight years for his wartime opposition to the government and to the policies of President Roosevelt.

The leader of a fascist body called the Silver Shirts, Pelley, like Williamson, was hypnotized by occult matters and compiled massive volumes of material on contact with allegedly higher forms of intelligence.

Pelley became a major influence on the life of Williamson, who ultimately combined his fascination with the occult and flying saucers by trying to contact extraterrestrial-intelligences with the help of a home-made Ouija board and channelling.

Commenting on the subject of Williamson’s reported channelling of extraterrestrials, researcher Sean Devney stated: "When Williamson started to channel, it was something truly inexplicable. [He] would begin speaking in several different voices, one right after the other."

In 1954, Williamson published his own saucer-dominated volume, The Saucers Speak, which focused upon his well-publicized attempts to contact extraterrestrials via short-wave radio and Ouija boards. Actar of Mercury, Adu of Hatonn in Andromeda, Agfa Affa of Uranus, Ankar-22 of Jupiter, and Artok of Pluto were just some of the many purported extraterrestrials with whom Williamson claimed interaction.

Then, in the latter part of the 1950s, Williamson changed his name, drafted a wholly fictitious academic and family background to accompany his latest identity, and essentially disappeared. He died in 1986, largely forgotten by the UFO research community that had briefly welcomed him into the fold in the 1950s.

The Collins Elite - and other agencies of the U.S. Government - never forgot him, however. Nor did they fail to note the potential importance of Ouija in the field of intelligence-gathering.

Indeed, there is no doubt that there were elements within the U.S. Government focused upon the investigation of ESP, Ouija, and the paranormal in the early 1950s.

Dr. Nelson Pacheco – who served in the USAF for 21 years and retired in 1987 as a lieutenant colonel – and USAF radio-intercept analyst Tommy Blann stated in their book Unmasking the Enemy that:

"The CIA began infiltrating séances and occult gatherings during the 50s... A memo dated April 9, 1953, refers to a domestic – and therefore illegal – operation that required the planting of a very specialized observer at a séance in order to obtain a broad surveillance of all individuals attending the meetings."

Furthermore, in February 1954, the CIA published a 27-page document titled A History of Ouija and Intelligence Applications that demonstrated the agency was trying to determine if Ouija boards might be useful tools in the hall-of-mirrors world of espionage.

The first undisputed use of what were once known as "talking boards" was borne out of the Modern Spiritualist Movement in the United States midway through the 19th century.

Methods of divination that existed at the time utilized a variety of ways to spell out messages, including swinging a pendulum over a plate, that had letters carefully positioned around the edge, or by using a table to indicate letters drawn on the floor. Very often, a small wooden tablet supported on casters and known as a planchette was used.

Businessmen Elijah Bond and Charles Kennard had the bright idea to patent a planchette sold with a board on which the alphabet was printed. The patentees filed for patent protection on May 28, 1890, and the very first Ouija board came into being. In 1901, an employee of Kennard named William Fuld took over the production and began the marketing of his own boards under the name of Ouija – which continues to this very day, under Parker Brothers, to whom the business was sold in 1966.

It may not be without significance that, just like contactee George Hunt Williamson, Aleister Crowley was a user of Ouija boards. Jane Wolfe, who lived with Crowley at his infamous Abbey of Thelema, also used the Ouija board.

In fact, she credited some of her greatest spiritual communications to the specific use of the device. Crowley also discussed the effectiveness of the Ouija board with another of his students, Charles Stansfeld Jones – otherwise known as Frater Achad – who was an occultist and a ceremonial magician. In 1917, Achad experimented with the board as a means to summon angels, as opposed to elementals.

And, who can forget Crowley's enigmatic LAM (pictured left), surely a proto-alien-style entity if ever there was one...

No wonder, then - taking into consideration all the above - that the Collins Elite came to view UFOs and Ouija as being intimately inter-related...


The Saucers Speak!, George Hunt Williamson & Alfred C. Bailey, New Age, 1954.

Other Tongues – Other Flesh, George Hunt Williamson, Forgotten Books, 2008.

Secret Places of the Lion, George Hunt Williamson, Neville Spearman, 1969.

Star Guests, William Dudley Pelley, Soulcraft Chapels, 1950.

Unmasking the Enemy: Visions Around the World and Global Deception in the End Times, Nelson S. Pacheco & Tommy R. Blann, Bendan Press, Inc.,

The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity, Andrija Puharich, Doubleday, 1974.

A History of Ouija and Intelligence Applications, Central Intelligence Agency, February 1954.

The Museum of Talking Boards,

The Official Website of William Fuld,

Aleister Crowley and the Ouija Board, J. Edward Cornelius, Feral House, 2005.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jack Parsons, UFOs and the FBI

Beyond any shadow of doubt, the one person whose actions led to a belief in certain quarters of the U.S. Government that the UFO phenomenon has origins of a demonic, occult, and supernatural nature was Jack Parsons, as my Final Events book makes abundantly clear.

Less well known, however, is Parsons' relationship with the FBI - which turned out not to be a good one, at all! Let's take a look...

At his birth in 1914, Parsons was given the memorable and unusual name of Marvel Whiteside Parsons and had a truly extraordinary life. An undoubted genius, he indirectly led NASA to send the Apollo astronauts to the Moon in 1969. Moreover, the Aerojet Corporation – which Parsons personally founded - today produces solid-fuel rocket boosters for the Space Shuttle that are based on Parsons’ very own, decades-old innovations.

For his accomplishments, a large crater on the far side of the Moon was named in his honor, and each and every year, on Halloween no less, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory holds an open-house memorial, replete with mannequins of Jack Parsons and his early JPL cohorts known as "Nativity Day." And, within the aerospace community, there is a longstanding joke that JPL actually stands for "Jack Parsons Laboratory" or "Jack Parsons Lives."

In fact, however, this man Parsons, who was so revered and honored by very senior figures within the U.S. space-program, was an admitted occultist, a follower of Aleister Crowley, and someone who topped even Crowley himself by engaging in bestiality with the family dog and sexual relations with his own mother, perhaps at the same time, no less.

Moreover, before each rocket test, Parsons would undertake a ritual to try and invoke the Greek god, Pan. And, on top of that, much of Parsons’ – and the JPL’s – initial rocket research in this period was undertaken at the appropriately-named Devil’s Gate Dam in Los Angeles.

And with that background data in hand, let's see what the FBI thought of Parsons...

On November 2, 1950, a California-based special-agent of the FBI prepared a report on the actions of Jack Parsons that stated in part: "Subject, on September 15, 1950 removed certain documents pertaining to jet propulsion motors and rocket propellants without authority from Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California; his place of employment [and which had been his place of employment since May 8, 1949]."

On September 25, after the documents in question had been retrieved by the authorities, they were duly handed over to a Air Force Major E.J. Krenz, after which, the FBI recorded: "[Parsons] voluntarily came to the Los Angeles office, September 27, 1950 and in [a] signed statement admitted removing documents without authority stating he desired to extract certain information from them as aid in computing [the] cost proposal on jet propulsion motors. He planned to submit this with [an] employment application through American Technion Society for employment in the country of Israel."

Twenty-four-hours later, an FBI agent, whose name has been carefully excised from the available documents, "displayed the document and papers to John T. Berdner, Air Provost Marshal, U.S. Army, who advised that it would be necessary for him to forward copies of them to the Chief of the Security and Policy Division, Intelligence Department, Headquarters, Air Materiel Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where the documents would be examined for the purpose of determining whether or not they contained classified or non-classified information."

As a result of the brewing trouble surrounding Parsons, he was fired from Hughes Aircraft on that very day and Hughes’ security personnel hastily advised the military that, at the very least, the documents should be classified Confidential. Then the next morning Parsons prepared a written statement for the FBI, the Army, and Air Materiel Command in which he conceded: "I now realize that I was wrong in taking this material from the Hughes Aircraft Plant."

Whether his apology was genuine or it was simply a groveling attempt to try and avoid serious problems with the authorities and charges that he was secretly engaged in espionage operations for Israel, Parsons certainly obfuscated the facts and played down his ongoing involvement in matters of an occult nature. When interviewed by the FBI on September 28, he said that he had “severed all relations” with the dark world that had so dominated his earlier years, and "…described himself as being an 'individualist,'" according to the interviewing special-agent in his report.

Significantly, files pertaining to Parsons’ theft of the papers from Hughes Aircraft reveal that, several years earlier, he had worked with some notable bodies, including the Government’s Office of Scientific Research and Development, the National Defense Research Council, and the Northrop Aircraft Company. Meanwhile, as several FBI offices across the state of California tried to determine – with help from the military – if Parsons was acting as an Israeli spy or if his actions were just plain reckless and stupid, the Cincinnati FBI Office entered into a period of liaison with the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations to "ascertain the facts" concerning Air Force knowledge of Parsons’ activities.

A Major Sam Bruno of the USAF advised the FBI that the Air Force did have files on Parsons, including some that related to his relationship with Aleister Crowley, one of which, dated May 17, 1948, stated: "A religious cult, believed to advocate sexual perversion, was organized at subject’s home at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, California, which has been reported subversive..."

The same documentation referred to USAF and FBI knowledge of the Church of Thelema, explaining in typically-humorless tones that "this cult broadly hinted at free love," that there had been "several complaints of ‘'strange goings on at this home,'" and that an unnamed source had described the church as "a gathering place of perverts." Surely not?!

The military’s records also noted that in 1943, Parsons was interviewed by the FBI and "stated that the Church of Thelema was a lodge and fraternity as well as a church, and that they studied philosophy as well as religion and attempted to inform themselves concerning all types and kinds of religion."

Parsons admitted that the church was based on the teachings of Crowley (who, rather amusingly, an obviously under-informed FBI special agent described merely as "an internationally known poet"!), and added that "…the organization was sometimes referred to as Crowleyism or Crowleyites."

A less-than-impressed Air Force advised the equally unimpressed FBI that: “"…women of loose morals were involved and…the story of Parsons' activities had become fairly common knowledge among scientists in the Pasadena area."

Then, on November 14, 1950, Major Frank J. Austin, Jr., of the Ordnance Liaison Office at the Redstone Arsenal, determined that most of the documents from Hughes Aircraft should be classified as Confidential – with four remaining unclassified. It's eye opening that on the very same day, Major Donald Detwiler, of AFOSI, admitted in a letter to the FBI that on March 7, 1949, the Industrial Employment Review Board had authorized Parsons "access to military information through Top Secret."

That Parsons had been highly cavalier with Confidential files and papers was a serious matter in itself. But that Parsons – occultist, and perhaps literal mother-fucker – had been granted a Top Secret clearance, which covered the work of the Army, Navy, and Air Force in relation to rocketry, was seen as being utterly beyond the pale.

As a result, on January 9, 1952, Parsons was informed by one J. Mason, the Chairman of the Industrial Employment Review Board, that:

"The board has decided as of 7 January 1952 to revoke the clearance granted you through top secret of 7 March 1949, and to withdraw access by you to Department of Defense classified information and/or material. The foregoing and all the evidence in the case file, when considered with the duties and responsibilities of any position in which you may be engaged with Department of Defense classified contract work, indicate that you might voluntarily or involuntarily act against the security interest of the United States and constitute a danger to the national security."

Parsons’ security clearance may have been revoked, but the government was very far from finished with him. Actually, matters had barely begun, as Final Events demonstrates...


Documentation declassified under the terms of the United States’ Freedom of Information act by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Department of State; Department of the Army; and the Department of the Air Force.

Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons, George Pendle, Harcourt, 2005.

Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon,

Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons, John Carter, Feral House, 1999.

John Whiteside Parsons, Colin Bennett, Fortean Times, March 2000.

Arroyo Seco (Los Angeles County),